Sunday, 4 October 2015

Fishing a rich industry yet fishermen are struck below poverty line.

After couple of days of heavy rainfall its a sunny day. It is perhaps a good news for a bunch of local fishermen. They earn their from from fishing. But due to heavy rainfall it becomes difficult for them to go out in the water with their wooden manually driven boat. Its an old boat which looks really scary for a boat which goes out for fishing. Its wood has becomes old and looks weak. But it doesn't matter for the fishermen as they have no options beside that old boat. The saddest part is that the boat belongs to a different owner who doesn't go out for fishing. He just gives the boat on rent. The deal behind the rent is that whatever fishes are caught the half goes to the owner of the boat and the rest is shared by the bunch of fishermen. Due to their poor state they are helpless and are ready to pay that much of share to the owner of that boat. They have lost self motivation and self respect. When I heard their story tears came out of my eye and I wish anything We to could do to educate and increasing their level of self motivation.

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