Saturday, 3 October 2015

The ride that changed evrything.

It was March 2015 i was sitting uselessly in my crib.. Suddenly I saw my motorcycle all covered in dust. I went closer to it and decided to clean it. While doing so I thought as thought to myself that as i am doing nothing now so I should go on a journey on my motorcycle. I took off on my journey after a while and rode for 8 hours straight. Than I reached a small village. They were all looking and staring at my biker attire very strangely. As if  it was new to them. I had some snacks and tea in a shack there in the village and again went ahead with my journey. Then again I rode for another 6 hours and went even further from any cities or urban civilization. It was a very remote village with no electricity, no roads not even basic human necessities like running water, education health facilities etc. I talked to the local people and most of them didn't even know the name of their country where their village is. it was way shocking for me. They don't even know if there are other places besides their village cause they never went out of their village. It was a very saddening moment for me as the people in that village are isolated and separated from proper civilization. But they were really happy in their villages as they didnt have any social class difference among them. This was the ride which I could never forget.

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